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Sustainable and happy pigs are simply better! – Pond Design

One of Scan’s most exciting farmers is Anders Gunnarsson. Anders’s farm, Halla gård is a uniquely holistic, circular and sustainable pig farm. A true pioneer, Anders raises happy pigs who live the way pigs were meant to, roaming freely outside all year round. Halla gård’s is truly the future of circular farming, with animals who are healthier, happier and simply more delicious – with minimal impact on the environment.

Anders Gunnarsson belongs to a new generation of pig farmers who together with Scan are creating the future of farming. His farm is built on circular principles that provides an optimal environment for the animals. His pigs can go in and out as they please, and get to spend their time outdoors foraging whenever they feel like it. In addition to what they can find while foraging, the pigs enjoy Halla gård’s own farm-grown grains. In addition, the pigs’ manure is used in the farm to produce energy, meaning that nothing truly goes to waste.

To tell the farm’s story, we travelled to Halla gård to experience Anders and his pigs in action. Using images from the farm, The design captures Anders passion and his inspiring ambition. At the same time, the design is informative, with educational details about the farming principles that guarantee the quality and authenticity of the meat. To enhance transparency, the meat is visible through the package.

The result truly showcases the future of circular farming, with animals who are healthier, happier and simply more delicious – with minimal impact on the environment.

  • Packaging Design
  • Storytelling
  • Copywriting
  • Art Direction

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